Wednesday, 29 May 2024

7 Ways to Know Your Guardian Angel Is Sending You a Message

The concept of guardian angels offers a comforting belief: that unseen forces watch over us, offering guidance and protection throughout our lives. While the idea may vary across cultures and faiths, the core message remains – we’re not alone. But how do these guardians communicate with us in a world often dominated by the tangible? Here are 7 signs your guardian angel might be trying to contact you:

1. Recurring Dreams

Have you dreamt about a specific person, place, or scenario more than once? Vivid dreams, particularly those that leave a lasting impression, could be messages from your guardian. The dream symbols or characters might hold significance to a current situation you’re facing. Pay close attention to the emotions you experience in the dream; feelings of peace or comfort could indicate angelic guidance. Consider keeping a dream journal to record your dreams and analyze recurring themes.

2. Angelic Numbers

Numbers hold a special power, and sequences like 11:11, 3:33, or your birthdate appearing repeatedly could be a sign from your guardian. These “angel numbers” are believed to carry specific messages depending on the number sequence. Research the meaning behind the numbers you keep seeing....Read More

Source: Getjoys

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